Saturday, January 26, 2013

Versatile Bloggers Award

Well I have only started blogging in the middle of November 2012 two months ago. And I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by This guy filbio310, is one of the most amazing and funniest bloggers I have ever come across in a decade. I have to thank him for giving me this wonderful award though I have never seen anything like this before. Be sure to go read his blog, you will never be able to know when to stop laughing. Here's the rules we must follow: Rules: 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their site. 2. Add The Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post. 3. Nominate 8 fellow bloggers that you have recently discovered or follow regularly 4. include a link to their site. 5. Let them know you have nominated them. 6. Share 8 random facts about you. 8 bloggers I'll nominate for this award filbio310 author of What's up with that? More ranting and raving! By He is one of the most hilarious and funniest writers of all times. is a blog written by timkavi. He is one of the most experienced and talented poets of all times. by Rum-Punch Drunk. His blogs are very interesting and amazing. His articles are very thoughtful. It's one of the first blogs I started reading as soon I started blogging. by Ric which consists of some wonderful prayers,poems and thoughts about god. This is one special blog you must not miss. Then there's This blog consists of weekly updates are ideas on how to make your blog look nice with different codes to different kinds of blog widgets. It consists of so much more to learn from when making a blog. This is a blog written by a deaf lady name Kym Bozarth, who explains to you how to bake all kind of things. 8 Random facts about me: 1. I'm probably the only person you will run into that asks you to repeat yourself about 10 times a day. 2. I was born deaf, and have been deaf all my life. People have to get used to repeating things they say to me. 3. I love to laugh at anything that is funny, or about anything that seems to be funny. 4. Usually I like to tell jokes, but people don't usually don't get it when I am telling one. 5. Yes, I wear two hearing aids, but most people don't know that. 6. I love to exercise, and can't do without it. 7. Tennis is my favorite sport. 8. In the summertime I must be outside as much as possible. Just can't let that sun go to waste. Congratulations to those that received the Versatile Award!


  1. Thank you for this award! I appreciate it Susana!

  2. Hi Susana! I want to echo Kym's sentiment, thank you so much for this award. I appreciate it so much. Thanks again! :-)

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  4. Congrats a very well deserved nomination :)

  5. Wow Susana....u r simply super....congratulations for winning an award. :-)



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